
How to Establish Service Connection for Sleep Apnea in Your VA Claim

 Posted on August 24, 2023 in Uncategorized

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In this blog, we're diving into an important topic that affects many veterans-sleep apnea. If you've been struggling to connect your sleep apnea to your military service, stay tuned as we break down the two main ways to establish service connection and increase your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve.

**Understanding Sleep Apnea and Service Connection:**

Sleep apnea is a common concern among veterans, often linked to the use of CPAP, APAP, or BiPAP machines. However, many veterans face challenges when it comes to proving the connection between sleep apnea and their military service. In this blog, we'll explore two crucial ways to establish this connection.

**Direct Service Connection:**

Direct service connection involves establishing that your sleep apnea either began or was diagnosed during your active duty. Despite some misconceptions, this is a legitimate approach to linking sleep apnea to service. Buddy statements from fellow service members who observed your sleep apnea symptoms can be a powerful tool in this process.

**Obtaining Buddy Statements:**

Reach out to buddies who served alongside you and were familiar with your sleep habits. These statements should detail the symptoms they observed, such as loud snoring, breathing pauses, or gasping for air. Include statements like these in your claim to provide compelling evidence of sleep apnea during your military service.

**Lifestyle Choices and PTSD:**

For veterans with PTSD, linking sleep apnea to PTSD directly can be complex. However, you can strengthen your case by connecting the dots between lifestyle choices influenced by PTSD and the development of sleep apnea. Poor lifestyle choices like weight gain and unhealthy habits can contribute to sleep apnea.

**The Importance of Lifestyle Changes:**

Highlight how your lifestyle choices were different before experiencing PTSD, emphasizing factors like exercise, healthy eating, and overall well-being. Connect the dots between these changes and the onset of sleep apnea symptoms.

**Submitting Your Claim:**

When submitting your claim, ensure you use the appropriate VA forms, such as VA Form 21-526EZ or VA Form 20-0995 for a supplemental claim. Include all relevant statements and evidence to support your case.

**Navigating VA Examinations:**

While both approaches can be effective, VA examinations might not always yield favorable results. If your VA examination doesn't accurately reflect your condition or consider the provided statements, it's crucial to appeal and advocate for your case.

**Getting Professional Assistance:**

If you encounter challenges during the process, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Accredited VA attorneys or agents can provide valuable assistance, especially if you need an independent medical evaluation or an expert opinion.


Connecting sleep apnea to your military service is possible through the strategic use of buddy statements and highlighting the impact of lifestyle changes influenced by PTSD. While the VA claims process may require persistence, armed with the right knowledge and evidence, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome.

**Final Thoughts:**

Establishing service connection for sleep apnea can be a challenging process, but armed with the right strategies and evidence, you can overcome obstacles and increase your chances of success. Whether through direct service connection or linking lifestyle changes to PTSD, remember that persistence and accuracy are key to a favorable outcome. If you have questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact our Naperville VA Disability lawyer Edward Farmer at 1-800-700-4174 for professional help.

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