
VA Benefits Attorney for Agent Orange Exposure

VA Benefits Attorney for Agent Orange Exposure

VA Benefits Attorney for Veterans Throughout the U.S. Exposed to Agent Orange

"Agent Orange" refers to herbicides sprayed by the U.S. military in Vietnam and near the Korean demilitarized zone. These chemicals were used to remove trees and other dense tropical plants that may have provided cover to the enemy.

The U.S. military also used these herbicides near military facilities in the United States and in other countries, including Thailand.

How Do I Prove I Was Exposed to Agent Orange?

Depending on where and when you served, you do not have to prove exposure, because the VA may presume you were exposed to Agent Orange.


The VA will presume a Vietnam Veteran was exposed to Agent Orange if: (a) You can show that you had "boots on the ground" in Vietnam; (b) You served in "Brown Water" or the inland waterways of Vietnam; or (c) You served aboard a U.S. Navy or Coast Guard ship that the VA concedes was exposed to Agent Orange. This list of ships can be found HERE.

Vietnam veterans who served aboard a ship in waters offshore from Vietnam without setting foot on the landmass or operating in the inland waterways of Vietnam are called "Blue Water" veterans. Blue Water veterans are not entitled to the presumption of Agent Orange exposure and must prove actual exposure to Agent Orange. However, Blue Water veterans, and all Vietnam veterans, regardless of exposure to Agent Orange, are entitled to presumptive service connection for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and small-cell lymphocytic lymphoma.


The following Veterans who served in Thailand may be able to show exposure to herbicides on a factual basis:

  1. Air Force Veterans who served on Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) bases at Nakhon Phanom, U-Tapao, Udorn, Ubon, Korat, Takhli, and Don Muang, near the perimeter of an air base between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975.
  2. Army Veterans who served on RTAF bases in Thailand and provided perimeter security between February 28, 1961, and May 7, 1975.
  3. Army Veterans who were stationed in Thailand on certain small Army installations between February 28, 1961, and May 7, 1975. In these cases, a Veteran must have served in a military police (MP) unit, or they must have been assigned an MP occupational specialty which placed them near the perimeter of a base.


The VA will presume you were exposed to Agent Orange if you served in or near the Korean demilitarized zone anytime between April 1, 1968 and August 31, 1971.

C-123 Aircraft:

The VA has determined there is evidence of exposure to Agent Orange for Airmen who worked on C-123s that were used in Vietnam as part of Operation Ranch Hand. Specifically, members of the Air Force and Air Force Reserve who served between 1969 and 1986 may have been exposed to Agent Orange if they regularly served onboard C-123 aircraft or maintained and operated these planes, which were used to spray herbicides during the Vietnam conflict.

Do you need help in proving exposure to Agent Orange? The Vet Law Office has successfully handled dozens of Agent Orange claims. Please contact us now.

What Diseases Are Related to Agent Orange?

The VA has a list of diseases that are presumed linked to Agent Orange exposure including diabetes mellitus type II, Hodgkin's disease, Ischemic heart disease, coronary artery disease, and Parkinson's. The full list of Agent Orange presumptive diseases can be found HERE

If you believe that you have a disease caused by Agent Orange exposure, but that disease is not on the VA's list of diseases associated with Agent Orange, you may still qualify for service connection if you have:

  1. Competent medical evidence of a current disability.
  2. Competent medical evidence of an actual connection between Agent Orange exposure and the current disability.
  3. Competent evidence of service in Vietnam or at or near the Korean demilitarized zone during the dates shown above, or exposure to Agent Orange in a location other than Vietnam or the Korean demilitarized zone.

My Child Has Birth Defects That I Think Are From Agent Orange; Can My Child Receive Compensation From the VA?

Children with the birth defect spina bifida who are born to Vietnam veterans may be eligible for VA benefits. A veteran's child who has been diagnosed with spina bifida, with the exception of spina bifida occulta, may be eligible for benefits if they were conceived after the veteran served in Vietnam between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975.

In 1999, the VA announced that a study had found compelling evidence associating the Vietnam service of female Vietnam veterans with birth defects in their children. A law was enacted that allows benefits for children of female veterans who served in Vietnam. The child must:

  1. Be the biological child of a woman who served in the U.S. Armed Forces in Vietnam between February 28, 1961, and May 7, 1975
  2. Have been conceived after the due date the veteran first served in Vietnam
  3. Have certain birth defects identified by the VA as resulting in permanent and physical or mental disability.

Contact Our U.S. VA Benefits Attorney for Agent Orange Exposure

Edward M. Farmer is a U.S. Army veteran and an attorney. The majority of his career has been dedicated to assisting veterans with legal issues nationwide. Contact us at 1-800-700-4174 to set up a consultation and learn how we can help you receive VA benefits for conditions related to Agent Orange.

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